
"My first selection of original bumper stickers to be honored came from the Mad Bomber of Steubenville and his magic imagination of how to decorate a mark's car, home, or whatever
"Other friends sent in photos or sketches of bumper stickers they had
made for their marks' cars. Here are a few:
"Here is one of Dick Smegma's original designs, which, by the way,
He also had reproduced as a business card, distributing a thousand in local
airports bars, store bulletin boards, etc. Dick says if the mark has an unlist-
ed telephone number, it's even more fun. Here is his design:
CALL (303) 555-6969 ASK FOR [NAME OF MARK]

from Advanced Backstabbing and Mudslinging Techniques by George Hayduke


Advanced Backstabbing and Mudslinging Techniques

George Hayduke

“As every good Hayduker knows, any repressive society offers vast opportunities for excitement, humor and payback for those willing to assume minor risks on behalf of freedom and the repressed. For too many people, resignation to al of that repression is the lock on their lives. The ideas and the fun in my books are the key that will open that repressive lock. The tumblers of that lock of repression also respond to the picks of humor, satire and irony. Indeed, the great power of irony is its subtle and lasting effect. My idea is to lightly etch a lasting scar on your mark’s memory (rather than the direct force of blunt, troglodyte trauma).” Easy-to-follow plans for fun with bumper stickers, a can of snakes, farts, homophobia, smegma, televangelists and more.”

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 176 pages

Get Even: The Video of Dirty Tricks

George Hayduke

Beginning with the inspiring motto, “where the law stops, the vigilante begins,” Get Even: The Video of Dirty Tricks is a rousing call-to-arms to “turn the tables on your tormentors” presented in the form of a psychotic infomercial. In episodes such as “Fecal Attraction!” and “Fowl Play,” vengeance techniques are couched in sleazily endearing SCTV-style parodies ranging from the elementary (junk mail sign-ups, Krazy Gluing the locks) to the finer points harassment. Hide a chicken bomb (raw chicken parts + milk, placed in a glass jar) in your enemy’s couch, thrill to the knowledge that the noxious gases will deliver a putrid explosion a week later—“use chicken against the turkeys who try to keep you down, baby!” Low-tech electronic sabotage of asshole co-workers, bumper-sticker warfare, character assassination via the posting of flyers, as well as some cautionary CYA suggestions to stay clear of The Man should set the most long-suffering viewers on the payback trail. SS

Publisher: Paladin

Getting Even 2: More Dirty Tricks from the Master of Revenge

George Hayduke

“More low-down, sneaky, disreputable, maddening and mostly illegal scenarios for payback time from George Hayduke, the “hyena in swine’s clothing.” NN

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 138 pages

Getting Even: The Complete Book of Dirty Tricks

George Hayduke

Original monkey-wrencher George Hayduke suggests scenarios for getting even with the irritating and the ignorant, whether they be land-raping multinationals, Uncle Sam, or the benighted befouler of a favorite shirt. NN

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 208 pages

High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even With Anyone, Anytime

Scott French

A big, nasty revenge book. “Can you really grab life and make it sit up and listen? Damn right you can! Unruly neighbors, barking dogs, trespassers, the local bank, corporate America and all those people who seem to feel their day will be special only if yours is ruined can be twisted, taught and made to toe the line with the creative use of cutting-edge equipment and expert ideas on how to bypass even the securest security measures!” Tricks range from clever to criminal, innocent to illegal. Why listen to “can’t we all just get along?” wimps like Rodney King. “Harness the forces of science and technology and exercise your God-given right to get even with anybody, anytime." GR

Publisher: Barricade
Paperback: 152 pages

Make My Day: Hayduke’s Best Revenge Techniques for the Punks In Your Life!

George Hayduke

“Random recipes for revenge from a known bully-buster and his prankish allies—Captain Video, The Razor, Dirk Smegma, Belzebubba, Magic Z, Biggus Piraphicus, The Gooch, Prairie Dog, et al. Learn to make vengeful use of common things like glue, trash, pornography, chicken parts, roadkill and graffiti. (Also learn how not to get caught). From Mayhem, under “Toilets”: “Your mark goes into the stall, slips down his or her pants, slacks, skirts, whatever . . . You stoop smartly down in front of the stall door and very quickly, briskly, and with great vigor, grab the skirt, pants or whatever and yank them toward you as fast and hard as you can. The immediate goal is to totally depants your mark. Hopefully, this will include the mark’s underwear as well. You then leave the bathroom area, keeping the garments, giving them to some needy soul outside, or tossing them in the nearest waste receptacle. “Meanwhile, what of the mark, sitting there with no pants, skirt, underwear, etc.? Yes, what of the mark? I know I’m laughing already.” GR

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 211 pages

Make’Em Pay: Ultimate Revenge Techniques From the Master Trickster

George Hayduke

“Eat a colorful portion of your meal,” then swallow one ounce or less of a vomit-inducer that contains the pharmaceutical ipecac. “In about ten minutes you will be wracked by projectile vomiting. Be creative and use all your acting ability here to get maximum splatter and audience effect . . . move erratically and quickly among the other diners as you appear to be headed toward the bathroom. Your real objective, of course, is to strafe as many people as possible with your vomitus.” And hundreds of other get-even tricks “to strike yet another blow for the little guy.” GR

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 209 pages

Mayhem: More From the Master of Malice

George Hayduke

“Random recipes for revenge from a known bully-buster and his prankish allies—Captain Video, The Razor, Dirk Smegma, Belzebubba, Magic Z, Biggus Piraphicus, The Gooch, Prairie Dog, et al. Learn to make vengeful use of common things like glue, trash, pornography, chicken parts, roadkill and graffiti. (Also learn how not to get caught). From Mayhem, under “Toilets”: “Your mark goes into the stall, slips down his or her pants, slacks, skirts, whatever . . . You stoop smartly down in front of the stall door and very quickly, briskly, and with great vigor, grab the skirt, pants or whatever and yank them toward you as fast and hard as you can. The immediate goal is to totally depants your mark. Hopefully, this will include the mark’s underwear as well. You then leave the bathroom area, keeping the garments, giving them to some needy soul outside, or tossing them in the nearest waste receptacle. “Meanwhile, what of the mark, sitting there with no pants, skirt, underwear, etc.? Yes, what of the mark? I know I’m laughing already.” GR

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 185 pages

Righteous Revenge: Getting Down to Getting Even!

George Hayduke

"Random recipes for revenge from a known bully-buster and his prankish allies—Captain Video, The Razor, Dirk Smegma, Belzebubba, Magic Z, Biggus Piraphicus, The Gooch, Prairie Dog, et al. Learn to make vengeful use of common things like glue, trash, pornography, chicken parts, roadkill and graffiti. (Also learn how not to get caught). From Mayhem, under “Toilets”: “Your mark goes into the stall, slips down his or her pants, slacks, skirts, whatever . . . You stoop smartly down in front of the stall door and very quickly, briskly, and with great vigor, grab the skirt, pants or whatever and yank them toward you as fast and hard as you can. The immediate goal is to totally depants your mark. Hopefully, this will include the mark’s underwear as well. You then leave the bathroom area, keeping the garments, giving them to some needy soul outside, or tossing them in the nearest waste receptacle. “Meanwhile, what of the mark, sitting there with no pants, skirt, underwear, etc.? Yes, what of the mark? I know I’m laughing already.” GR

Publisher: Lyle Stuart
Paperback: 229 pages