Bob Flanagan: Supermasochist
Edited by Andrea Juno and V. Vale
This in-depth book on one of the most honest artists of the 20th century gives riveting insight into the age-old issues of sex/death, pain/pleasure and the relationship between life and art. Bob Flanagan lived with the terminal disease cystic fibrosis (he died in early 1996) and spent a lifetime exploring the limits of his own flesh through a sadomasochistic relationship with Mistress and photographer Sheree Rose. Luckily for us, their relationship produced an important and insightful body of art, incorporating poetry, performance, photography and site-specific installations. In these 120 image-packed pages we see most of Bob’s life/work, from the early SM performances with Sheree (such as the Amok-sponsored “Nailed” event) to the seminal “Visiting Hours” exhibit at the Santa Monica Museum of Art. Several of his poems are published in full (he had published five books), the interviews are candid with the humor of a man bravely staring death in the face. A book in which the personal illuminates the universal, this is a not-to-be-missed journey of human transcendence through art. MDH
Publisher: V/Search
Paperback: 130 pages