Shortwave Clandestine Confidential

Gerry L. Dexter

DXers, in radio lingo, are armchair detectives bent on receiving “clandestine” signals from the most distant and forbidden shortwave stations: revolutionary stations, stations behind enemy lines in a war, stations run by the CIA or KGB, and so on. Tells the story of past clandestine stations: Radio Sandion (The Voice of the Sandinistas), Radio Liberation (Vietnam) and Radio Swan (an anti-Castro station, courtesy of the CIA). The book goes on to discuss currently popular DX listening targets in Libya, Chad, Ethiopia, Iran, China, Burma, Poland, Sri Lanka, Cuba and many other turbulent countries. The trick with DXing is getting proof of what you hear, an all-important “verification” letter proving the station actually exists—which is no piece of cake to obtain, wartime or not. GR

Publisher: Universal Electronics
Paperback: 84 pages