Flashbacks: A Personal and Cultural History of an Era

Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

The bigger-than-biopic-style exploits, adventures and narrow escapes of the renegade academic turned acid evangelist, prophet of space migration and cyberdevotee told in his own irrreverent words: “Harvard Department of Visionary Experience… Sacred Mushrooms of Mexico… Secrets of the Beatniks… Drugs Are the Origin of Religion and Philosophy… Ambushed by the Harvard Squares… Psychedelic Summer Camp… Earthly Paradise… Life on a Grounded Space Colony… Pranksters Come to Millbrook… Busted at Laredo… Brotherhood of Eternal Love… The Exiles… Captured in Kabul… Folsom Prison… Escape Plot… Kidnapped by the Feds… Freedom?” SS

Publisher: Putnam
Paperback: 405 pages

Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine

Robert O. Becker, M.D.

Power lines, computer terminals, and the attempt to cover up their threat to your health. Includes a chapter on the neurological applications of ELF pulses in mind control (such as José Delgado). FLA

Publisher: Putnam
Paperback: 336 pages