Clinton’s Conspiracy

A. Ralph Epperson

Epperson takes a look at the evidence that Bill Clinton believes that there is an evil, international conspiracy at work in the world, which Epperson traces directly back to the Rothschilds. Read the provisions for a New World Order and delve into the seamy mind of Carroll Quigley. JB

Publisher: Publius
Paperback: 74 pages

The New World Order

A. Ralph Epperson

The phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum is found on the bottom of the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, and is Latin for “The New World Order,” and that’s what we learn on just the first page of this captivating book. Here is a scenario similar to Brave New World: There is one government, one source for food and water, and a new religion. In the NWO, there will be no private property, no inheritance, no starvation or homelessness. Shelters for all, jobs for everyone. One small problem: Don’t fit the mold? Handicapped? You’ll be eliminated. “Thou shalt not kill” a problem? The new religion says killing’s okay, if it fits the NWO. Who’d go along with this program? Who thought up this insanity? The book reveals that plans for the NWO have been set in motion since a secret society, the Thules, reorganized the then-disorganized Masons. The Thules are termed the secret prime movers of Nazism, and are a fragment of a much more important secret society known as the Germanic Order, founded in 1912. Thought-provoking, well-written and disturbing. CF

Publisher: Publius
Paperback: 357 pages

The Coming Persecution: President Bill Clinton’s Call To Destroy Christianity, April 23, 1995

A. Ralph Epperson

The proof we’ve been waiting for that THE CONSPIRACY is REAL! Using the evil Masons’ own writings, Epperson proves beyond any possible doubt that when President Clinton, speaking at a memorial service after the Oklahoma City bombing, said, “I say one thing we those who have sacrificed have the duty to purge ourselves of the DARK FORCES which gave rise to this evil,” what he really meant was: “the duty to purge ourselves of CHRISTIANITY.” He’s just using a secret Masonic coded language! See? No? Well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out why, even though, as Epperson himself admits, “there is no direct evidence, as of yet, that Bill Clinton is a member of the Masons,” nor that he ever “joined Masonry, nor that he was made aware of their coded language.” “However,” Epperson shrewdly points out, “that does not mean that he has not joined the Lodge.” It’s almost worth reading just to see this guy do to logic what M.C. Escher did to architecture. DB

Publisher: Publius
Paperback: 40 pages

God Exists! Evidence for the Skeptic

A. Ralph Epperson

Have you ever wondered whether the existence of God can be proved? Well, now you can stop wondering. Ralph Epperson has the answers you have been searching for. Whereas thousands of volumes and millions of words have been needlessly wasted on this subject, Epperson has condensed his argument down to just 24 pages. JB

Publisher: Publius
Paperback: 24 pages

The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History

A. Ralph Epperson

The accidental theory of history: History occurs by accident, for no apparent reason. Governmental rulers are powerless to prevent events from happening. Versus the conspiratorial view of history: Historical events occur by design, for reasons that are not made known to the people. Epperson presents his controversial material in a clear and easily understood manner. The conspiracy that Mr. Epperson examines in this volume, he contends, has been in place for years. How can this be so? One explanation from George Orwell: “The party is not concerned with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself.” Often who wields power is not important provided the hierarchical structure remains always the same. The method by which the conspiracy recruits new members to replace those who retire or die is to watch especially capable (in terms of the aims of said group) careers of certain candidates, then quietly invite them into the inner circle. “The possession of power transformed into a tyrant even the most devoted friend of liberty” (the Russian anarchist Bakunin). The conspirators are successful because the moral citizen cannot accept the conclusion that other individuals would actually wish to create incredibly destructive acts against their fellow citizens.
The ultimate purpose of this conspiracy is power. There are some who desire this more than material goods, although the two frequently go hand in hand. So those involved do not become rich and/or illustrious and join the conspiracy; they become rich and illustrious because they are members of the conspiracy. “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The moral mind of the individual who does not desire power over others or the desire for such powers cannot fathom why power seekers would want to create human misery through wars, depressions and revolutions. It is the hope of the author that those who read this book will discover that the conspiratorial view of history is the one best supported by the evidence. CF

Publisher: Publius
Paperback: 488 pages

A Review of the Book Entitled “Morals and Dogma”

A. Ralph Epperson

In this booklet, a conspiracy-obsessed Christian attempts to prove that the Masons are worshipers of Lucifer. This charge has been made in the past and will, no doubt, be repeated. The author attempts to demonstrate that words used by the Masons, including sentences and oft-times fractions of sentences from a huge Masonic textbook authored by Albert Pike (notorious for his part in the formation of the Ku Klux Klan), have different meanings for Masons of high degree than to the initiates. The God of the Masons is not the Christian God but rather the Masonic God, “The Architect of the Universe.” Pull this mask off and one finds the secret Masonic God, the Light Bearer a.k.a. Lucifer. One thing about this booklet, the price is right. “Mr. Epperson is not charging for this review, because he is uncertain about the copyright laws and how they might apply to this review of a book still being printed. So, he is asking that each reader who wants one only order one copy.” TC

Publisher: Publius
Paperback: 61 pages