Colonia Dignidad

John Dinges

“Despite political changes in that country [Chile], the infamous Colonia Dignidad continues much as before. It’s the world’s most dangerous cult, the model for Jonestown and other mind-control sects. Led by Paul Schaefer—a fugitive from child molestation charges in Germany—this fascist encampment has long been accused of human-rights violations, torture and murder. A must for anyone interested in Nazis, brainwashing, child abuse, strange religions and strange politics.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Paperback: 10 pages

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Françoise Hervet

“A scholarly overview of the Knights of Malta and their shadowy role in international intelligence operations. Hervet discusses the Order’s history, the American Association of SMOM, the American-Italian connection, the fascist P-2 Lodge, AmeriCares and the group’s covert political goals. It’s church and state, working together to propagate fascism.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds

State-Organized Crime

William J. Chambliss

“Criminologist Chambliss presented this paper at the American Society of Criminology. He provides a persuasive overview of U.S. government involvement in narcotics peddling, comparing characters like North, Singlaub, Secord and Hull to pirates of yore. Just as European rulers from the 16th to 19th centuries licensed pirates to attack rival states (taking a cut in the process), the U.S. has made similar deals to obtain financing for covert operations.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 10 pages

The Hughes-Nixon-Lansky Connection: The Secret Alliances of the CIA From World War II to Watergate

Howard Kohn

“In 1976, Rolling Stone magazine ran a lengthy exposé of Nixon’s connections with the CIA, the Howard Hughes Organization, and Meyer Lansky’s syndicate. This key article exposes Nixon’s involvement with Cuban gambling casinos and the $100,000 bribe he received from Howard Hughes. Here’s the secret story of the president who was the Mafia’s best friend.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 19 pages

Interview With Sarah Jane Moore

W. H. Bowart

“President Ford twice became the target of gun-toting ladies: The first was Manson disciple ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, while the second was Sarah Jane Moore. Previously, she had given only one major interview, to Playboy, back in 1974. But now a noted researcher has obtained a much fuller account. For the first time, the would-be assassin spills the beans on her connections to the CIA, mind-control operations, and her work as an infiltrator for the FBI. A book-length compilation of historically important raw data.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Paperback: 190 pages

The Lingering Mystery of RFK

Andy Boehm

“For years it has been accepted public doctrine that Sirhan Sirhan acted alone in killing Senator Robert F. Kennedy in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Earlier this year, however, the Los Angeles Police Department finally was compelled to release to the public a great deal of its documentation in the case… Examined closely, a very different story emerges from the official tale—one that in an ideal world would compel the authorities to take a new look at thecase and the LAPD’s role in it.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 14 pages

Transcript of the Meeting Between Saddam Hussein and U.S. Ambassador

April Glaspie

“No doubt you’ve heard about the meeting which took place between Saddam Hussein and April Glaspie on July 29, 1990, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait. This is the official transcript, including not only Glaspie’s conversations with Hussein but also her responses to reporters.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds

Vernon Walters: Crypto-Diplomat and Terrorist

Ellen Ray and William Schaap

“Walters, a longtime covert operator, belonged to the ‘Murder Board,’ Reagan’s core Central American policy group. In February 1985, Walters was nominated as United Nations ambassador… ‘Directly or indirectly, he has been involved in overthrowing more governments than any other official still serving in the U.S. government.’ An exposé of thugs in high places.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 4 pages

Which World Leaders Helped Nazi Criminals Escape?

Vicky Quade

Interview from Barrister magazine. “Hired in 1979 as a member of the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations to ferret out Nazis in America, John Loftus has spent years piecing together the answer to a question that has nagged him: How did the Nazis escape prosecution after World War II?… Loftus has uncovered a scandal of amazing proportions involving the Vatican, two popes (Pius XII and Paul VI), British and French intelligence, and finally, U.S. intelligence.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 14 pages

Who Killed Jimi Hendrix?

John Swenson

“Where did Hendrix’s massive fortune go? Who was behind his kidnapping? How and why did he die? Did the FBI and others keep active records on Hendrix?” Mahavishnu John McLaughlin is quoted as saying, “I feel he was murdered.”

Publisher: Prevailing Winds
Pamphlet: 10 pages