Big Sister Is Watching You

Texe Marrs

“Spawned during the ‘60s in the age of the Beatles, gurus, LSD and hippies, they are the misfits of society. But now the misfits are in charge. They are the feminist vultures who flew over the cuckoo’s nest.” Rev. Marrs, filled to overflowing with blessings of the Spirit, recounts the malevolent escapades of the Gals of the Clinton administration—”Hillary’s Hellcats,” as he calls them: Donna Shalala, Janet Reno, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Mother of Abominations herself, the First Lady. To hear Texe tell it, if she and her hosts aren’t running near-naked through the streets demanding that more Americans kill more babies in order to provide raw material for their debauched Wiccan rituals, they’re slipping each other tongue and wearing their hair in a suspiciously gender-free manner. The good reverend is troubled equally by Tipper Gore’s Deadhead preferences, Joceyln Elders’ tendency to refer to herself as a lightning bolt—it’s Satanic, somehow—and Maya Angelou’s poetic reference to her own “impertinent buttocks.” Rev. Marrs makes it very clear he’d like to punish them all; the mind reels, imagining how. JW

Publisher: Living Truth
Paperback: 207 pages

Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy

Texe Marrs

Evangelical update on classic John Birch Society conspiracy paradigm. “Cloaked in mystery and shrouded in secrecy, the Inner Circle is comprised of 10 powerful men. These men meet regularly—at least twice per year—in a secluded location. Their proceedings take place in a locked and sealed suite at a swank and exclusive resort hotel, or at a private estate owned by one of their minions. Their policy decisions and agenda, kept top-secret, result in the most dire and grievous consequences for ordinary citizens. Wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, diseases, famines, financial booms—and crashes!—these are some of the life-giving or life-destroying decisions made at their confidential sessions.” Chapters include “Assemblage of the Gods: The Rise of Ten Wise Men of the Inner Circle,” “‘Ordo Ab Chao’—The Great Work of the Illuminati,” “Newt Gingrich and the Illuminati’s ‘Third Wave’ Revolution,” “The Meteoric Rise of Wicked Bill Clinton: A Classic Case Study of Illuminati Influence,” “The One-Eyed Infidel and the Naked Man on a White Horse” and “Pain, Death and the Armageddon Script.”

Publisher: Living Truth
Paperback: 303 pages

Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light

Texe Marrs

It’s a free-for-all cage match as good battles evil and both knock themselves unconscious against the turnbuckles. Marrs details in lively if yawn-inducing style the Vast, Shadowy Network that oversees the White House, the CIA, the Vatican, the networks, the banks, and all those annoying satanic day-care centers bringing down property values in your neighborhood. As police forever trot out the same wine-addled skells to flesh out their line-ups, so Marrs offers up his own usual suspects—Bilderbergers, Trilaterals, New Agers and George Bush (whose terror-inducing quality has faded, somewhat, since he so adeptly lost the 1992 election). On occasion the reader wonders if the eternally guileless Marrs might be working too hard to tie up all the loose ends—at one point he quotes humorist Russell Baker in order to prove that Gorbachev was a CIA mole—but truth is true, wherever you find it. “Once you read this book you will know for a certainty—if you don’t already know it—that there is a World Conspiracy by a hidden elite. You will just know it. Period.” Okay, if you say so, but this isn’t Texe at his best. JW

Publisher: Living Truth
Paperback: 288 pages

Project L.U.C.I.D.: The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

Texe Marrs

Toward “a new global police state, made up of the FBI, KGB, CIA, DEA, DIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, OSHA, NCIC, USDA, FDA, NRO, BATF, FINCEN, INS, DOJ, WTO, Europol, Interpol, Mossad and the MAB.” All secretly reporting to a faceless American “SS establishment,” or “Central Gestapo.”
“The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System has been designed and is being implemented in America and throughout the world. We knew it was coming. Now it’s here, and soon there will be no place to hide. By the year 2000, Big Brother’s evil, octopuslike tentacles will squeeze every ounce of lifeblood out of the people. A nightmarish, totalitarian police state is at hand.
“That is the thoroughly documented message—and momentous warning—sounded in this book. Do not for an instant think that you and your loved ones can escape the monstrous behemoth which lies in our path. Once Project L.U.C.I.D. (Lucifer’s Universal Criminal Identification System) is fully operational, and every man, woman and child will fall under the power of its hideous, cyberelectronic grasp.
“Consider the unbelievable magnitude and dimensions of Project L.U.C.I.D. First, it mandates that every adult and child—even newborn babies—be issued a universal biometrics ID card. A “Smart Card” with an advanced computer microchip, this powerful, reprogrammable ID card will store millions of bytes of information about the recipient—his or her photo, fingerprint, footprint, iris (eye) scan, DNA genotype, human leukocyte antigen data, financial status, and personal history.
“Oh yes, the ID card will also be coded with numbers. One will identify the individual cardholder. Another, I believe, will eventually constitute the number 666. The number 666 will signify the hellish master responsible for the devilish invention of this Universal Biometrics Card and its interlocked, computer network.” GR

Publisher: Living Truth
Paperback: 224 pages