The Phallus: Sacred Symbol of Male Creative Power

Alain Daniélou

Worship of the male member in ancient cultures, from the Hindus to the Greeks to the Celts. “The phallus is really the image of the creator in mankind, and we rediscover the worship of it at the origin of every religion.” The cult of the cock is traced from Neolithic amulets and stones still standing in Europe to the many fertility gods of world mythology. “Contempt for this sacred emblem, as well as degradation and debasement of it, pushes man from the divine reality. It provokes the anger of the gods and leads to the decline of the species!” GR

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 128 pages

Revolt Against the Modern World

Julius Evola

“Evola’s career was many-sided: As a philosopher he belongs among the leading representatives of Italian Idealism; as a painter and poet he is counted as one of the founders of Italian Dadaism; as a cultural historian and critic of our times… he also translated Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West… as a patron of literature he was the publisher and translator of Ernst Jünger and Gustav Meyrink, whom he introduced into Italy; to some he might appear as an éminence grise in politics, for Mussolini apparently wanted to implement some of Evola’s ideas to create more freedom from the restrictions of National Socialism… many of his books testify to his understanding of alchemy and magic, and it is reported that Mussolini stood in considerable awe of Evola’s ‘magical powers.’”
“At turns prophetic and provocative, Revolt Against the Modern World outlines a profound metaphysics of history, and demonstrates how and why we have lost contact with the transcendent dimension of being… he attempts to trace in space and time the remote causes and processes that have exercised a corrosive influence on what he considers to be the higher values, ideals, beliefs and codes of conduct—the world of Tradition—that are at the foundation of Western civilization and described in the myths and sacred literature of the Indo-Europeans.”

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Hardback: 375 pages

The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti and the Secret Way

Julius Evola

Evola introduces two Hindu movements, tantraism and Shaktiism, which both emphasize action and mastery of energies latent in the body. He traces these influences in Hinduism from the 4th century onward with an in-depth study of Vamachara—”The Way of the Left Hand.” During our current time of dissolution and decadence known in Hindu cosmology as the Kali Yuga, one can no longer dismiss the physical as mere illusion, but instead must grapple with and ultimately transform the powerful and destructive forces in this present age. Evola draws from original texts to document methods of self-mastery including the awakening of serpent power, initiatory sexual magic and invoking the sacred mantras of power. SC

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 238 pages

The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teaching of the Royal Art

Julius Evola

To Evola, hermeticism and alchemy are the same. Alchemy is not a concern about metals but rather a physical and metaphysical system embracing cosmology and anthropology, nature and supernature. The reader should abandon the analytical mindframe so that comprehension of this art can occur. Translated for the first time, this survey of alchemical symbols (the names of the Zodiac, the metals that make up the universe, the combinations of spiritual powers, the emanations that the practitioner produces, etc.) and teachings (the practitioner looks for more than turning lead into gold) reveals the mysterious world of the Royal Art. MET

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 220 pages

Aboriginal Men of High Degree: Initiation and Sorcery in the World's Oldest Tradition

A.P. Elkin

“An extraordinary series of rites, by which the young Aboriginal males experience the degrees of shamanic initiation—each marked by its own portion of esoteric knowledge. Focuses on the karadji, or men of high degree, who posses magical powers and who serve as channels between the Dreamtime beings and their own communities. The karadji are believed to cure and kill mysteriously, make rain, anticipate future events, and appear and disappear at will.”

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 221 pages

Sadhus: India's Mystic Holy Men

Dolf Hartsuiker

Definitive look at India's Hindu holy men and their culture. The Sadhus collectively are hundreds of separate and different sects, each with certain beliefs and practices. These mystical holy men practice “enlightenment for the real purpose of life”—the basic concept of Indian culture. They devote themselves full time to exploration of the “Inner Light.” The Sadhus choose a life free of all but a few small possessions and comforts, and no sensual pleasures whatsoever. Many smoke hashish and practice yoga to gain enlightenment. The author systematically photographed these holy men and explains the many different devotional styles—such as standing or keeping their right arm raised for years—as homage to specific gods. Bewildering and relentless—many color photos. DW

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 128 pages

The Yoni: Symbol of the Universal Feminine

Rufus C. Camphausen

A Sanskrit word, yoni translates as “womb,” “origin,” “source” and, more specifically, “vulva.” Female genitals are seen as a sacred symbol of the great Goddess, a symbol of the universal womb, the matrix of generation and the source of all. Rewriting history, male leaders established themselves as rulers and as actually able to give birth. Tracking examples of yoni symbology through cave art to modern day, this book includes yoni topography in graphic detail, including tantric practices, Near Eastern myths, and Tibetan visualization techniques linked to yoni reverence. Illustrations show some of the world’s finest, oldest and most diverse examples of yoni artwork up through contemporary works by such artists as Georgia O’Keeffe and Judy Chicago. CF

Publisher: Inner Traditions
Paperback: 144 pages