How To Investigate Your Friends, Enemies and Lovers
Trent Sands and John Q. Newman
A basic manual on accessing public record information about an individual, with a few methods absent from most books on the subject. Using the pretense of providing information on protecting oneself from conmen and investigating the claims and backgrounds of celebrities and public figures, this books gives information on obtaining county records, DMV information and state tax and corporation records. Includes how to legally obtain a subject’s Social Security number from credit bureaus, and how to find out what the Social Security numbers mean, using the Social Security number “Group Number” chart provided. Also: accessing vital, criminal and military records, bankruptcy records, information on “deadbeat dads” and other obscure sources of information as well as illegal methods of obtaining credit information. The final chapter offers a short rundown on how to sell one's services as an investigator. TC
Publisher: Index
Paperback: 160 pages