Circle of Death: Clinton’s Climb to the Presidency

Richard Odom

Comprehensive Clinton (President Bill and Hillary Rodham) true-crime book being used as part of Huntington House’s launch of its new conservative conspiracy series—although it is so obviously written and published by people who would have defended Nixon, Reagan and Bush to the death—so, now that the “conspiracy” shoe’s on the other foot… Fans of the photographic reconstruction of the murder-in-the-park in the movie Blow Up will enjoy the “double statue theory” of White House counsel Vince Foster’s body being moved three times—with his hand repositioned downward to jibe with the gun. Also on the Foster front: three alleged suicide notes, alleged romantic involvement with Hillary, and no-longer-secret deals gone sour with Bill. Mena airstrip cocaine smuggling, Whitewater banking and loan scandals, whatever you want—it’s all here to keep Bill Clinton on his tightest Trilateral leash—and it is indeed funny to be told for the first time that Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI) and Oliver North’s Iran-Contra were the fault of that brazen hussy Hillary. MS

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 224 pages

En Route to Global Occupation

Gary H. Kah

Former “government liaison” exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification. A Christian view of globalism, with a special focus on New Age groups coordinating with World Constitution and Parliament Association. Masons = Lucifer. Spy for God. FLA

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 224 pages

Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World

Cliff Kincaid

The author doesn’t like the idea, and either does the Pope. “The United Nations is now openly laying plans for a World Government—to go along with its already functioning World Army. These plans include global taxation and an International Criminal Court that could prosecute American citizens… Also exposes: U.N. support for forced abortion and forced sterilization… the possibility of Russian military officers commanding American troops,” and “the transformation of American soldiers into ‘U.N. fighting persons.’” GR

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 208 pages

The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism

Constance Cumbey

“A vivid exposé of the New Age movement, which the author reveals is dedicated to wiping out Christianity and establishing a one-world order. This movement meets the test of prophecy concerning the Antichrist.”

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 268 pages

Inside the New Age Nightmare

Randall N. Baer

The devil wears love beads. “For the first time ever, a New Age leader tells the INSIDE story… the tale of seduction, from teenage dabbling in Eastern religions to a meteoric rise in New Age leadership… In the midst of a storybook career, Baer had a dramatic and horrifying encounter with the evil forces behind the New Age movement. Experience this mysterious and often bizarre world as Baer exposes the New Age Movement.” The author of Windows of Light: Quartz Crystals and Self-Transformation has a confession to make: He was brainwashed. GR

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 202 pages

Lord! Why Is My Child a Rebel?: Parents and Kids in Crisis

Jacob Aranza

The author of such exercises in salvation as Backwards Masking Unmasked, Aranza turns his utter lack of expertise toward the field of child rearing. Aranza’s amusing habit of lurching from point to point, with many a non sequitur left dangling, strains the credulity of even the converted, meaning more laughs per page for the rest of us. Aranza is convinced teenage rebellion is witchcraft, and the only antidote is the Bible—as if any teen’s going to pass up a wild party for a prayer meeting. We can only wish him (and his children) luck. JM

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 138 pages

The Dark Side of Freemasonry

Ed Decker

Collection of alarmist essays by Fundamentalists concerned about the spiritual perils presented by Freemasonry. Most are written by bean-spilling ex-Masons. Though a few essays bog down in chatter about the individual’s “growth in the Lord,” the bulk of these X-tians have made it their business to know the ways of The Enemy very, very well and produce thorough, if occasionally overwrought, evidence of Freemasonry’s historical links to a variety of occult systems.
Though the uninitiated may scoff, and the Masonic dupes of the lower three degrees (known as the “outer courtyard”) may take offense, a great number of well-known occult revivalists have taken the “craft” seriously enough to advance to Freemasonry’s highest degrees; this list includes founding members of the Golden Dawn, OTO, and the new “old religion” revived in Great Britain in the 1970s as Wicca. Even Theosophy’s Madame Blavatsky was initiated as a “Co-Mason,” the women’s version of the “ancient and accepted” boys’ club. And it is through Theosophy’s notion of the “Hidden Masters,” adapted by Alice Bailey (“Queen of the New Age”) as the Great White Brotherhood of Shambhala that several of the authors in this collection trace the influence of Freemasonry into the mainstream of today’s “alternative spirituality.”
Bailey and her husband (a Mason) believed that Freemasonry could be useful as a New World Religion and referred to the ancient all-seeing Brethren as “Master Masons of the Universe.” And since Shambhala floats in the AIR above the Gobi DESERT, and since the Bible characterizes demons as wasteland creatures and “spirits of the air”—well, YOU SEE what we’re talking about! And speaking of “All-Seeing,” what about the Masonic Founding Fathers putting that Eye on our currency and erecting that National Phallus we like to call the Washington Monument? Sex Magick! Ancient Fertility Rites! Yes, agrees another ex-Wiccan and ex-32-degree Mason! He points out dozens of similarities between Masonic and Wiccan initiations. Freemasonry was, after all, invented as a cover under which WITCHCRAFT could be practiced! And he concludes that “this is the abominable universal world religious system that Jesus Christ is returning to this earth to destroy!” One can only wish it would all turn out to be this interesting! RA

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 224 pages

Please Tell Me: Questions People Ask About Freemasonry

Tom C. McKenney

“This book is not ‘anti-Masonic,’” McKenney notes, shortly before accusing the Masons of everything short of exterminating the dinosaurs. The author lifts the Masonic apron in order to expose the glistening, seamy underbelly of everyone’s favorite secret society. He warns Christians (who evidently don’t have enough to worry about) that Masons stop at nothing to effect their dark designs. “There have been times when a temporary Masonic lodge room was set up in a semi-trailer in a busy shopping center parking lot and men initiated right there on the spot.” He notes that membership in the Masonic Order drops every year, and explains why this makes those who keep their grip on the trowel and compass all the more powerful. He reveals that the messiah of Masonry is named “Hiram.” Considerable attention is devoted by the author to the question of whether or not George Washington was a Mason—McKenney has to admit that he was, but also decides that he wasn’t a very good one, praise Jesus. The real Hell’s Angels, he warns us, are those red-fezzed Shriners on minibikes, and on that we can do nothing but agree. JW

Publisher: Huntington House
Paperback: 224 pages