Yanomamö: The Last Days of Eden

Napoleon A. Chagnon

Chagnon first made contract with the Yanomamö, a now-imperiled tribe of Amazon Indians, in 1964. A look at an extraordinary people in this eloquent, meticulously detailed and often passionate book.

Publisher: Harvest
Paperback: 309 pages

Man Against Himself

Karl Menninger

Menninger was an important American psychiatrist and founder of the Menninger Clinic in Kansas. In this classic work, Menninger regards self-destructive behavior—from accident proneness to self-castration—as a way that the ego protects the body against a self-administered death penalty. To Menninger, acts of self-destruction are “bribes” to “buy off” the guilty conscience for the aggressive acts or even wishes of the past for which a tyrannical conscience demands a self-punishment which vastly outweighs the “crime” committed by the self. Thus self-mutilative acts represent a victory, although costly, of the life instinct over the death instinct. SS

Publisher: Harvest
Paperback: 429 pages