Satan Takes a Holiday

Anton Szandor LaVey

“Even the devil needs a little revitalizing recreation now and again. LaVey here applies his kaleidoscopic vision to conjure forth occult musical treasures, sending them out into the ethers, to haunt and delight us. With his background in classical, burlesque, circus and roadhouse styles of playing, LaVey uses modern synthesizer technology for illegal purposes—to evoke feelings. Every number LaVey plays—from Sousa march to child’s lullaby—is carefully chosen as a potent brew of major and minor chords, lyricism and prosody, and then supercharged to its most lusty interpretation. All of the instruments on this recording are played by LaVey on his keyboards, performed without benefit of computer sequencing. Satan has little use for digitalized downloading or pixilated processing. The murky, deathless halls of Tartarus resound with songs of suicide, strained gaiety and unreserved romance. Dim the lights, settle back and let His Infernal Majesty take you on a holiday tour of His world…”

Publisher: Amarillo
Audio CD

The Satanic Mass

Anton Szandor LaVey

“For the first time in history, here is a recording of an authentic Satanic Mass, recorded live at the Church of Satan… Anton LaVey, along with early members of his diabolical cabal, recorded The Satanic Mass in 1968 (Friday, 13 September, III anno Satanas), when The Satanic Bible had yet to see print.” Long out-of-print and collectible on vinyl, The Satanic Mass includes “The Hymn to Satan,” “The Infernal Names” (calling forth demons and devils by name to do the High Priest’s bidding), “Invocation Applied Toward the Conjuration of Destruction” (“the guttural ululations of the demonic inhabitants of the Infernal Empire can be heard as the High Priest concludes his invocation and summons them up from the Pit to carry out his diabolic command”), “The Seventh Enochian Key,” the “First Satanic Baptism” (of LaVey’s 3-year-old daughter Zeena), and a bonus track not on the original LP “The Hymn of the Satanic Empire.”

Publisher: Amarillo
Audio CD