The Hearing Trumpet

Leonora Carrington

A wonderful, unforgettable novel by Surrealist painter-sculptor Leonora Carrington, back in print at last. The story chronicles the beautifully strange and, indeed, surreal adventures of Marian Leatherby, a 92-year-old woman whose family has placed her in an old-ladies home. It’s a mysterious old place, full of odd crimes, occult manifestations and, finally, murder. Our heroine is determined to unravel the truth. In doing so she encounters the secret of the Holy Grail, the Leering Abbess and other bizarre marvels. The ensuing cosmic upheaval and evocation of the old gods by Marian and her “co-inmates” will never be forgotten by the reader. As Luis Buñuel once wrote, “Reading The Hearing Trumpet liberates us from the miserable reality of our days.” CS

Publisher: Exact Change
Paperback: 199 pages

Last Nights of Paris

Philippe Soupault

Published in 1928 and later translated into English by William Carlos Williams, this is one of the earliest “Dadaist novels.” A memoir of Paris in the ‘20s when the French avant-garde and American expatriates would duke it out using ideas, words and anything within reach while taking literary modernism to its peak. OAA

Publisher: Exact Change
Paperback: 179 pages

Maldoror and the Complete Works

Comte de Lautréamont

“To celebrate evil is to celebrate the good philosophically or the instigator to creation bearing the stigmata of suffering and guilt. To be victim to the Count de Lautréamont is to be superior to everyone else… the magnetic extravagance of his letters, those dark iron-fisted dictates he sent with such elegance—cordiality even… Extravagant? Of course. Those letters have that harsh extravagance of a man who rushes foward with his lyricism like an erect avenging blade in one hand or the other… .” —Antonin Artaud

Publisher: Exact Change
Paperback: 340 pages

Watchfiends and Rack Screams: Works From the Final Period

Antonin Artaud

This is the first English-language book of the writings of Antonin Artaud during the period from his institutionalization in the insane asylum in Rodez until his death near Paris in 1948. Translator Clayton Eshelman has also written an illuminating biographical sketch of Artaud, especially in his final years when these incantatory words excerpted from Artaud’s banned radio broadcast, “To Have Done with the Judgement of God” were written.

Publisher: Exact Change
Paperback: 342 pages