Philosophy of the Count de Gobineau

G.M. Spring

Count de Gobineau is vaguely known as the originator of the doctrines of “Aryan Superiority” and “Scientific Racism.” However, he was also one of the most interesting and influential figures of the 19th century. De Gobineau was an aristocrat who fought democratic trends his entire life. He was also pessimistic and little inclined to believe in progress, as he reacted against 18th-century Rationalism and its abstract notion of man. SC

Publisher: Scott-Townsend
Paperback: 304 pages

Rebels Against the Future

Kirkpatrick Sale

Retells the history of the Luddites, a group of disgruntled textile workers who at the start of the English Industrial Revolution rebelled against the industrialization of their traditional cottage industry. Using the history of the Luddites as a precursor, the author employs them as the model for resistance against the present second Industrial Revolution: the Information Revolution. SC

Publisher: Quartet
Paperback: 320 pages

The Rhythms of Black: Race, Religion and Pan-Africanism

Jon Michael Spencer

Argues that African rhythm, and specifically African rhythm in the New World, gives rise to the distinctive qualities of black culture. These particular rhythms differentiate black culture from others, and constitute the primary essence of religion and dance, which are both dependent on black music. Through music, black people glean what Spencer calls “rhythmic confidence,” an equivalent to “soul.” Spencer also explains how this rhythmic confidence can be either casual, or explicit and insurgent, as in rap. SC

Publisher: Africa World
Paperback: 206 pages

The South Was Right!

James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy

The real question behind all the myths of the Civil War is, were the Confederate States of America a sovereign nation that was invaded and occupied by the separate nation of the United States of America? If this is true, as the authors propose, then the South was right to defend itself against attack, and the South has a claim to sovereignty now. SC

Publisher: Pelican
Hardback: 448 pages

They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America and Industrial Britain

Michael A. Hoffman II

Well-researched and thoroughly documented, this history of Europeans kidnapped, purchased or taken from prisons to serve as slave labor in the American Colonies will be a shocker for many readers. SC

Publisher: Independent History and Research
Paperback: 137 pages

A Time of Terror

James Cameron

“On a dark summer night in 1930, three young men were arrested. Two were lynched. The third, James Cameron, with a noose around his neck and an angry mob calling for his blood, was spared. This is his story told 64 years later with anger, insight and reflection. Cameron’s narrative is as riveting and graphic as the infamous photo of his two friends, Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, who were not as fortunate as he.” SC

Publisher: Black Classic
Paperback: 201 pages

We the Black Jews, Volumes 1 and 2

Yosef ben-Jochannan

Ben-Jochannan takes on the establishment scholars again, this time dispelling the myth that the original Jews were “white.” “This aspect of the history and heritage of the ‘black Jews’ is dedicated to all oppressed African people whose religion differs from those who control the power of life and death over most of us. Out of this it is hoped that a better understanding between African people will prevail in and of our religious differences. Remember, religion is nothing more than a belief, and that any one of them is as Godly as Another.” SC

Publisher: Black Classic
Paperback: 408 pages

Who Lies Sleeping? The Dinosaur Heritage and the Extinction of Man

Mike Magee

Argues that there was a “sapient dinosaur”—one with a humanlike intelligence from which we humans evolved. The author uses various types of theories, including that of genetics. He believes that humans couldn’t have gotten this far in the evolutionary scale if only the standard scientific theories apply. SC

Publisher: Ask Why!

Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot

David P. Chandler

Pol Pot is one of the most elusive revolutionary leaders of the 20th century. No modern leader (or despot?) has left so little trace of his existence, a situation not helped by his use of multiple false names. His personal story begins as an indifferent student who becomes a gifted teacher. He now leads, or led (there are conflicting reports of his death), one of the w.orld’s toughest guerrilla groups. His personal reputation is as a polite, charming and deferential man, but is juxtaposed with his bearing responsibility for one the greatest genocides of the 20th century. SC

Publisher: Westview
Hardback: 254 pages

Fifty Days on Board a Slave-Vessel

Pascoe G. Hill

This is an account of 50 horrific days on a slave ship, and it will forever haunt its readers with a vision of the inhumane conditions endured by captured Africans. “Many of the Negroes have letters cut on the breast or shoulder, which Antonio tells me, are the marks of the respective owners who, on the vessel’s arrival at Rio, thus recognize their own property.” SC

Publisher: Black Classic
Paperback: 58 pages