Improvised Radio Detonation Techniques

Lawrence W. Myers

This manual, aimed at those engaged in unconventional warfare, details how common consumer electronics can be modified to work as radio-controlled detonation devices. Subjects include: cordless electronic touch-tone phones, citizens-band radio transmitters, toy walkie-talkie systems, radio pagers, AM/FM walkmen, cellular telephones and VHF police scanners. Includes detailed reading list. MC

Publisher: Paladin
Paperback: 74 pages

Improvised Weapons in American Prisons

Jack Luger

Weapon construction behind razor-wire requires special techniques and strategies because of the unique demands of the prison environment. Luger details the many types of weapons that have been constructed by inmates—including knives and other edged weapons, prison-made guns, garrotes and choking instruments, blunt instruments and firebombs—and the ingenious hiding places prisoners find for their contraband. Objects as mundane as a toothbrush can be turned into a deadly shank. The book includes details about how attacks on prisoners are planned, information about escape, and description of how material is smuggled into secure facilities, often by members of the prison staff. Illustrated with close-up photographs of seized weapons constructed by convicts. MC

Publisher: Loompanics
Paperback: 83 pages

In the Gravest Extreme

Massad Ayoob

Discover the difference between the reality of personal protection and dangerous fantasy. This book covers the use of the firearm in personal protection, dealing with legal, ethical, and practical considerations. It was written to provide practical advice and remove many misconceptions by trying to define what self-defense really means, and what conditions actually let someone apply lethal force legally. Ayoob dispels the myth of citizen's arrest, and explains how and when firearms can be used in stores, homes, cars and on the street. Here is common sense information on the deterrent effect of defensive handguns, gun safety and tactical techniques for defense shooting. The book examines what can happen legally, physically and psychologically in the aftermath of a shooting and what to be prepared for even in a case of justified self-defense. MC

Publisher: Police Bookshelf
Paperback: 131 pages

In Self Defense

Michael Izumi

This is an updated and more comprehensive version of Massad Ayoob's In the Gravest Extreme. This book is excellent in that it really tries to dispel the myths many people have about self-defense. Expanding on Ayoob's book, In Self Defense gives a realistic look at self-defense from both practical and legal angles. The author aims to educate people and clarifies issues in the use of deadly force while addressing the psychological mindset of dangerous criminals and the mental awareness and preparation one must attain in order to defend oneself from violent crime.
Here is practical information for selecting firearms and using them for home defense: how to determine the reliability of weapons, safety devices for handguns, the proper and legal methods of transporting weapons, and holster selection. There's a whole chapter on defense cartridge selection, including shotgun and handgun loads for self-defense and why factory-loaded ammunition is important. Discusses the use of dogs for home security, as well as tactical material on dealing with attackers, the use of cover and concealment, returning fire from barricaded positions, and why not to even attempt a housecleaning if you suspect intruders. Includes material on proper verbal commands, the proper method of holding a criminal at gunpoint, and why a warning shot is not a good idea. There is a good discussion on the mental trauma that can occur during and after armed conflict, including definitions of these types of traumas. The book tells how to properly call the police and how to effectively interface with responding law enforcement.
There is a good amount of information concerning the legal aspects of self-defense, and how complicated things can become after a shooting. Includes practical and common- sense advice on understanding the mantle of confidentiality, what to do if the police throw you in jail for defending yourself, what information should be conveyed on your phone call, and how to deal with criminal and civil lawsuits resulting from a deadly-force encounter. Advises on how to find attorneys who are experienced in self-defense cases. MC

Publisher: Police Bookshelf
Paperback: 105 pages

Interrogation: A Complete Handbook

Burt Rapp

This how-to manual on interrogation includes the history and mythology of interrogation, the basics of effective interrogation, psychological factors and even an interrogator's ideal qualities. Discusses how to read tone of voice and body language, which can indicate lying, how to find the correct setting for an interrogation, and ways to establish rapport with a subject. Looks at confessions and cross examinations the way they really happen, the uses of deception in obtaining confessions, and getting around Miranda warnings. Covers technological aids to interrogation including both lie detectors and voice-stress analyzers—what they can and can't do and how they are actually used—as well as drugs and brainwashing. Includes the tools of the Gestapo and secret police, types of torture instruments, who makes a good torturer, and tactics for trying to survive torture. MC

Publisher: Loompanics
Paperback: 230 pages

Military Knife Fighting

Robert K. Spear

This is a well-photographed book with a practical approach, which details knife-fighting grips and stances, body targets, blocks and counters. Illustrates serial attacks, grappling and sentry kills, and discusses the value of knives versus bayonets, and the use of deadly entrenching tools. Includes a short chapter on basic throwing as well as training hints. MC

Publisher: Universal Force Dynamics
Paperback: 123 pages

Practical Electricity in Medicine and Surgery

G.W. Overall, M.D.

Reprinted from an 1890 edition, this is an early look at the uses of electricity in turn--of-the-century medicine. Learn about the uses of galvanic cells, effects of currents, electrodiagnosis, all types of early electro-surgery. With illustrations of early electric medical devices, this book is especially tailored to those interested in the history of medicine. MC

Publisher: Lindsay
Paperback: 130 pages

Principles of Improvised Explosive Techniques

A.J. DeForest

This book was written for the Rhodesian Army Explosive Ordinance as a guide to defusing and rendering harmless improvised explosive devices. Discusses 108 different types of switches and ignition devices and the principles these devices use, with illustrations of each. Different bombing incidents are defined and categorized. Includes a system of memory-guide cards that are used to plan removal and render- safe procedures to disarm bombs; examples of questioning techniques; and plans for using detonating cord and shotguns to attempt to dispose of improvised explosive devices. MC

Publisher: Paladin
Paperback: 110 pages

Snitch: A Handbook for Informers

Jack Luger

Just what every red-blooded American needs—a handbook for snitches—as if society doesn't have enough busybodies, stool pigeons, double-crossers, liars and traitors already. But for those who have to squeal, this is required reading. Find out what information is valuable: how to get it, and how to sell it. Learn to negotiate with the police, how cops treat their informers, and how to keep from being finked out by someone else (just about an impossibility these days.) There are chapters on who informs and their motives and compensations, sting operations, company spies, criminal, civilian and prison informers, cops and how they think, becoming an informer and protecting yourself against stoolies. What can happen to informers when they fail or are caught snitching? Learn about the IRS “Turn In A Friend Program.” This book is the ultimate in modern-day American police-state culture. Turn in a friend today before they turn you in tomorrow! MC

Publisher: Loompanics
Paperback: 145 pages


Massad Ayoob

Deals with gun-fighting for police under actual stress situations. Includes chapters on the principles of stress and techniques for coping with it. Discusses body positioning, proper ways to hold weapons, drawing and reholstering weapons, weak-hand shooting, kneeling, point shooting, sitting and prone- position shooting as well as StressFire reloading of revolvers and automatics. Shows how much handgun training a gun owner really needs. MC

Publisher: Police Bookshelf
Paperback: 150 pages