Scratch 'n' Sniff

The Last Prom: Eclectic Esoterica for a Better Tomorrow was started by filmmaker Ralph Coon to, as he describes it, “fuel my desire to discover the undiscovered. . . . There’s so many topics the ‘popular media’ doesn’t invest time in because the mentally bankrupt masses don’t care to learn about them. Well, FUCK THAT.” What really distinguishes Coon from the run-of-the-mill zinester is his nose for compelling subject matter both on the scary margins of the American psyche and from deep within it. — SS


Last Prom #1: Drivers’ Education Films

Ralph Coon

“Genre-exploding look at those creepy high school drivers’ Ed. films we were all forced to watch as adolescents. Interviews with the directors and producers of such notorious classics as Signal 30, Mechanized Death and Red Asphalt.”

Publisher: Last Prom
Paperback: 12 pages

Last Prom #2: The Weird World of Dr. Gene Scott

Ralph Coon

“Myriad information for the obsessive Dr. Scott wannabe in all of us. Learn about television’s hippest theological celebrity, from his childhood encounter with Jerry Owen (a.k.a. the Walking Bible) to his riveting Stanford thesis, ‘Reinhold Niebuhr’s Ideal Man and Protestant Christian Education,’ to his subsequent downfall at the hands of L.A.’s very own Anti-Gene Scott. Read about Werner Herzog’s lost documentary about Scott, God’s Angry Man.”

Publisher: Last Prom
Paperback: 40 pages

Last Prom #3: Whispers From Space-Part One

Ralph Coon

“Part one of the Whispers from Space trilogy, recorded exactly as told by the spooky rantings of flying-saucer abductee Jim Nestor’s skull. The saga of George Van Tassel and the Integraton.”

Publisher: Last Prom
Paperback: 20 pages

Last Prom #4: Whispers from Space-Part Two

Ralph Coon

“Part two of the Whispers from Space trilogy. In search of Gray Barker, discoverer of the Men-in-Black, in the hills of West Virginia.”

Publisher: Last Prom
Paperback: 20 pages