
Richard Tennant Cooper, 1910. Image © source

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum

Johann Weyer

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, also known as the False Hierarchy of Demons , is a great compendium from the 16 th century dictating the names of sixty-nine demons.  The title itself indicates that the demonic monarchy depicted in the text is false, in many ways an insult to those who determinedly believe in the demons of hell.  The list initially appeared as an appendix to Johann Weyer's first book about demonology and witchcraft, De Praestigiis Daemonum et Incantationibus ac Venificiisi, and was said by the author himself to have been inspired by an earlier text discussing spirits and demons.  Yet, it is Weyer's work—not his predecessor's—that came to be known by renowned psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud as "one of the ten most significant books of all time." – Ryan Stone


Twisted Cross: The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich

Doris L. Bergen

Half a million Protestants form a religious movement and rewrite the history of God for the Fatherland in the years 1933 through 1945. “The girls went wild, he said, denouncing ‘the Old Testament with its filthy stories, ‘ the ‘Jews as a criminal race.’ It was precisely such attitudes that the German Christian pastors and schoolteachers sought to instill in the youth. A German Christian confirmation examination in early 1937 included the following exchange: ‘Does the church have to address the Jewish question? Answer: Yes. Why? The candidate responded: The Jews are our misfortune. At that, the pastor laughed aloud… A girl then added, “The curse of God is on the Jews,” and the pastor praised her reply.’ The Nazis reviled Christianity for its ‘Jewish roots, doctrinal rigidity and enervating, womanish qualities.’ The German Christians focused their efforts on proclaiming a “manly Christianity.” GR

Publisher: University of North Carolina
Paperback: 341 pages

Vladimir Soloviev, Russian Mystic

Paul Marshall Allen

“Intimate friend of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, an extraordinary mystic with profound insight into our present struggle against the hidden powers of darkness working at every level of modern life, Vladimir Soloviev is one of the greatest esoteric teachers of our age… Soloviev’s haunting story of the Antichrist—included in this book—depicts with shattering impact many trends and events of our present world scene. His transcendental, meditative teachings concerning the divine Sophia, archetype of esoteric wisdom, offer renewed courage, confidence and hope amidst the manifold conflicts, doubts and tragedies of our time. This unique, timely book—the first in-depth, full-length portrait of Soloviev as a mystic to appear in English—is the rich fruit of Allen’s lifelong interest in the cultural-spiritual achievements, the mysticism and the esoteric striving of the Russian people of Tsarist times.”

Publisher: Steiner Books
Paperback: 449 pages

War, Progress and the End of History: Three Conversations, Including a Short Tale of the Antichrist

Vladimir Solovyov

“Is evil only a natural defect, an imperfection disappearing by itself with the growth of good, or is it a real power, ruling our world by means of temptations, so that to fight it successfully assistance must be found in another sphere of being?” So begins Solovyov’s preface, written shortly before his death on July 30, 1900. Prophet, mystic, poet-philosopher and the prototype for Dostoevsky’s Alyosha Karamazov, Solovyov offers an examination of evil which proves chillingly prophetic, especially in his parable of a European Antichrist: he envisions Israel reunified, Islam emerging as a world power, and eerily asserts that “the imitative Japanese, who showed such wonderful speed and success in copying the external forms of European culture… proclaimed to the world the great idea of Pan-Mongolism… with the aim of conducting a decisive war against foreign intruders.” HS

Publisher: Lindisfarne
Paperback: 206 pages

Warrior Cults: A History of Magical, Mystical and Murderous Organizations

Paul Elliott

“Discover ancient and medieval warrior cults and secret societies like the Roman religion of Mithras, the sinister Knights Templar, the Middle Eastern assassins, the Japanese ninja clans and many more. As alluring as the prospect of ‘belonging’ to a special circle may seem to today’s disenchanted youth, it is important to understand the purpose and compulsions of fanatical factions. These terrifying organizations and mystical cults can provide disturbing insight into modern religious, political and criminal sects and associations that imperil our society today.”

Publisher: Sterling
Hardback: 208 pages

What You Should Know About the Golden Dawn

Israel Regardie

First published in 1936 as My Rosicrucian Adventure, this revised (sixth) edition has added manifestoes by Mathers and W.B. Yeats, the author’s answer to several books critical of the Order, and other interesting essays and documents. This book is not a guide to Golden Dawn magic or rituals, but the author’s personal reflections on just about everything else surrounding the Order: its ideology and historical foundations, its literary interests and pursuits, its inner turmoil, its public scandals, plus the activities and writings of other influential members like Crowley, Mathers, Wescott, Dion Fortune and Yeats. Analysis of rituals and ceremonies, and just how they operate on the imagination, are especially good. Discussion of how the Golden Dawn put together its system of magic from such sources as the Kabbalah, Greek and Egyptian texts and lore is also revealing. “They have synthesized into a coherent whole this vast body of disconnected and widely scattered material, and have given it form and meaning,” notes Regardie. The author’s thoughts on why the makeup of the Order demanded secrecy are also significant. The book is filled with insightful thoughts on various problems surrounding the use of talismans, divination, angelical keys and/or calls, Enochian tablets, evocation and much more. BS

Publisher: New Falcon
Paperback: 234 pages

What’s Wrong With Christian Rock?

Jeff Goodwin

“Is Christian rock Christian? Or is it a multi-billion dollar industry with a totally different purpose?… You will learn that Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is full of occultism, witchcraft and the New Age. The biggest names in CCM convict themselves with their own words. Learn what’s wrong with: Copying the World; Christian Rock’s Fruit; Backmasking in C-Rock; Christian Rap; Christian Thrash; plus much more!”

Publisher: Chick
Paperback: 288 pages

When God Was a Woman

Merlin Stone

“Here, archeologically documented, is the story of the religion of the Goddess. Known by many names—Astarte, Isis, Ishtar, among others—she reigned supreme in the Near and Middle East. Beyond being worshiped for fertility, she was revered as the wise creator and the one source of universal order. Under her, women’s roles differed markedly from those in patriarchal Judeo-Christian cultures. Women bought and sold property, traded in the marketplace, and the inheritance of title and property was passed from mother to daughter. How did the change come about? By documenting the wholesale rewriting of myth and religious dogmas, the author details a most ancient conspiracy: the patriarchal re-imaging of the Goddess as a wanton, depraved figure. This is the portrait that laid the foundation for one of culture’s greatest shams—the legend of Adam and fallen Eve.”

Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Paperback: 265 pages

When Time Shall Be No More

Paul Boyer

Explores a segment of American popular thought that has rarely been the subject of scholarship: the belief that history and the end of the world were foretold in the Bible. The author puts forth two arguments, the first being that the prophesy has played a more central role in American thought than most cultural and intellectual historians have recognized; the second being that after World War II the popularizers of a dispensational premillennialism have played an important role in shaping public opinion on such topics as the Soviet Union, the Common Market, the Middle East, the role of technology in modern life, and environmental issues. SC

Publisher: Harvard University
Hardback: 468 pages

Witch-Children: From Salem Witch-Hunts to Modern Courtrooms

Hans Sebald, Ph.D.

“A comparison of the unflinching credibility afforded children in our contemporary epidemic of molestation allegations and the hysteria over Satanism in the 16th and 17th centuries. The common circumstances between the two eras are frightening.”

Publisher: Prometheus
Hardback: 258 pages

Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture

Arthur Evans

A serious, challenging history and analysis, from Joan of Arc to the heretics to voodoo. AK

Publisher: Fag Rag
Paperback: 180 pages