
By 1934 the SS had become the most pro-Zionist element in the Nazi Party. Other Nazis were even calling them “soft” on the Jews. Baron von Mildenstein had returned from his six-month visit to Palestine as an ardent Zionist sympathizer. Now as the head of the Jewish Department of the SS’s Security Service, he started studying Hebrew and collecting Hebrew records; when his former companion and guide Kurt Tuchler visited his office in 1934, he was greeted by the strains of familiar Jewish folk tunes. There were maps on the walls showing the rapidly increasing strength of Zionism inside Germany. Von Mildenstein was as good as his word: he not only wrote favorably about what he saw in the Zionist colonies in Palestine; he also persuaded Goebbels to run the report as a massive twelve-part series in his own Der Angriff (The Assault), the leading Nazi propaganda organ (September 26 to October 9, 1934). His stay among the Zionists had shown the SS man “the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish question.” It was really amazing how some good Jewish boden under his feet could enliven the Jew: “The soil has reformed him and his kind in a decade. This new Jew will be a new people.” To commemorate the Baron’s expedition, Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star. — Lenni Brenner, from Zionism in the Age of the Dictators


Before Their Diaspora: A Photographic History of the Palestinians 1876-1948

Walid Khalidi

“From the beginning of their colonization of Palestine, the architects of the Zionist ‘dream’ excluded from consideration its potential consequences for the Palestinians. The reality of Zionism as translated on the ground was rarely perceived as diverging from the dream, which was (and still is) regarded as pristine; any divergence between the reality and the dream was only a momentary aberration from the dream. Thus, the ineluctable link between Zionist action and Palestinian reaction was banished from Zionist consciousness… A victim’s obsession with the past is often the concomitant of a vengeful disposition, and protagonists have habitually compiled ‘historical records’ of their conflicts as a prelude to each other’s delegitimitization. But a retrospective glance can also serve a constructive purpose. That is the intent of this book, which, it is hoped, will shed some light on the Palestinians as a people in Palestine before their diaspora, and on the genesis and evolution of the Palestine problem during its formative phase.” A fascinating parallel view of the establishment of Israel is shown through beautifully reproduced archival photos of both the conflicts between Arab and Jew and the everyday life of the Palestinians in their homeland.

Publisher: Institute for Palestine Studies
Paperback: 351 pages

By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer

Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy

The motto of the Mossad is “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.” From Ostrovsky’s description of the activities of the feared Israeli Secret Service one is compelled to accept the conclusion that the Mossad faithfully treads in the footsteps of all other secret-service agencies throughout the world, from the Gestapo to the KGB to the CIA. Far from being a book cramped and stilted by reiteration of fact after fact, Ostrovsky’s book reads like a best-selling thriller, except the names have not been changed to protect the guilty. JB

Publisher: St. Martin's
Paperback: 396 pages

The End of Zionism… And the Liberation of the Jewish People

Elbie Weizfeld

A collection of critical essays by Jewish writers Noam Chomsky, Lenni Brenner, Albert Memmi, Maxime Rodinson and Reb Moshe Schonfeld in opposition to Zionist-Israeli authority, and positing a different identity of the Jewish people. AK

Publisher: Clarity
Paperback: 116 pages

The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians

Noam Chomsky

Examines the hypocrisy involving the U.S. position in the Middle East, especially regarding media whitewash, the B’nai B’riths political clout, Israel’s “favorite child” status, the invasion of Lebanon, and the myth of the “peace talks.”

Publisher: South End
Paperback: 483 pages

The Land of the ZOG

Gary Smith

ZOG = Zionist Occupation Government. Land of the ZOG begins with a light-hearted investigation into the ZOG “myth” and winds up explaining the real meaning of the Book of Revelation—666 is the six-pointed Star of David! In between, the hidden hand of Jewish/Israeli government influence on Washington and the media is explored (half-Jewish movie stars such as Robert De Niro are also outed), the “kosher tax” on food is decried, the Talmud is analyzed, and more. Chapters include “Parasites-Human and Otherwise,” “Jew-nited We Stand,” “Shoah Biz” and “The Last Temptation of Hollywood.” SS

Publisher: Emissary
Paperback: 176 pages

The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel

Jack Bernstein

“The late Jack Bernstein was a rarity—an American Zionist who actually ‘returned’ to Israel, not for a vacation or to summer on a kibbutz, but to live and die in Israel building a Jewish nation. What makes him almost one of a kind, though, was his ability to see through the sham and hype to the oppressive, racist, parasitic character of Zionism as practiced in modern Israel, and his courage to denounce it with the force and fervor of an Old Testament prophet.”

Publisher: Noontide
Pamphlet: 61 pages

Lone Wolf: A Biography of Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky

Shmuel Katz

This biography of Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky at 1,855 pages isn’t light reading. The man behind the book wasn’t light either: Jabotinsky, a journalist and author, was one of the most important Zionist leaders of the 20th century. Jabotinsky was the ideologue of the Zionist revisionists. He was the spiritual forerunner to the Likud party, Netanyahu and the Jewish Defense League. Jabotinsky was foremost a right-wing nationalist, who bordered on being a fascist—there’s even rumors that he had secret meetings with the Nazis. SC

Publisher: Barricade
Hardback: 1855 pages

The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969-1994

Edward W. Said

“Retraces the Palestinian hejira, its disastrous flirtation with Saddam Hussein, and its ambiguous peace accord with Israel… demolishing both Western stereotypes about the Muslim world and Islam’s illusions about itself.

Publisher: Vintage
Paperback: 512 pages

The Revival of Israel: Rome and Jerusalem, the Last Nationalist Question

Moses Hess

Hess was a German citizen by birth, as well as the forerunner of the modern Zionist movement. He fervently believed that modern anti-Semitism was spawned by the Pope and the Church of Rome, a theme currently adopted by such Jewish authors as Daniel Goldhagen. Hess viewed the assimilation of Jews into German society as a great danger to the existence of the Jewish people. Unnoticed at first, Hess’ book was later discovered and adopted by the Zionists. Viewed in retrospect, his comments about Germany, the country of his birth, and the Germans themselves appear to be remarkably accurate: “It seems that German education is not compatible with our Jewish national aspirations… The German hates the Jewish religion less than the race; he objects less to the Jew’s peculiar beliefs than to their peculiar noses.” As a lone voice crying in the wilderness, Hess’ calls for the construction of a Jewish national state went unheeded by his own contemporaries, only to reach fulfillment after two world wars and the Holocaust. JB

Publisher: University of Nebraska
Paperback: 265 pages

Socialists and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism: An Answer to the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League

Peter Seidman

“The real record of the fight to open U.S. borders to refugees from Hitler’s terror.”

Publisher: Pathfinder
Paperback: 31 pages