
The dirt you dig up could be paydirt.

Snitch: A Handbook for Informers

Jack Luger

Just what every red-blooded American needs—a handbook for snitches—as if society doesn't have enough busybodies, stool pigeons, double-crossers, liars and traitors already. But for those who have to squeal, this is required reading. Find out what information is valuable: how to get it, and how to sell it. Learn to negotiate with the police, how cops treat their informers, and how to keep from being finked out by someone else (just about an impossibility these days.) There are chapters on who informs and their motives and compensations, sting operations, company spies, criminal, civilian and prison informers, cops and how they think, becoming an informer and protecting yourself against stoolies. What can happen to informers when they fail or are caught snitching? Learn about the IRS “Turn In A Friend Program.” This book is the ultimate in modern-day American police-state culture. Turn in a friend today before they turn you in tomorrow!

Publisher: Loompanics
Paperback: 145 pages


Drug Smuggling: The Forbidden Book

K. Hawkeye Gross

Everything one needs to know about narcotics smuggling, from assembling a crew and avoiding DEA infiltration to moving large amounts of cash clandestinely and bribing officials. This is a basic guidebook on how to play the game successfully, elude detection and then get the BIG PAYOFF. MW

Publisher: Paladin
Paperback: 152 pages

Drug Testing at Work: A Guide for Employers and Employees

Beverly Potter, Ph.D. and Sebastian Orfali, M.A.

Looks at the cost of drug use in the workplace, the rationale for drug testing, the technology of testing, protecting employees’ rights, methods to beat the test, and how to stop employees from cheating. “For school administrators, government and military officials, attorneys, unions, medical staff and legislators, as well as for employees in both the public and private sectors.”

Publisher: Ronin
Paperback: 230 pages

Everybody Does It!: Crime by the Public

Thomas Gabor

“Toward a theory of universal lawbreaking.” Statistics, research and case studies of our public peccadilloes, from the petty to the profound. Theft, embezzlement, false charges, violence. Fellow employees do it: “It was acceptable, so you did it. When you see that other people do it, it seems to be no big deal.” Business people do it: “When you see a lot of money coming in, you get greedy.” Tourists do it: “Justifying their behavior on the high cost of the room.” Cops do it: “Some guys need a beating. In the street or the back of a precinct, there’s a guy who needs a beating. And you’ve got to do it. “ Says the author: “In this book I try to show that criminal behavior, rather than being abnormal and uncommon, is a normal and routine part of everyday life, engaged in (at least on occasion) by the majority of citizens.” GR

Publisher: University of Toronto
Paperback: 240 pages

Fundamentals of Modern Police Impact Weapons

Massad Ayoob

This book was written to give police officers a realistic understanding of the less-lethal, nonchemical subduing impact weapons available. Ayoob describes nightsticks, short billies, saps, sap gloves, yawara sticks, riot batons, nunchakus, flashlights, handcuffs and makeshift impact weapons such as key rings and belts. Two classic baton approaches are described—“The Lamb Baton Method” and “The LAPD Method.” The book also covers how to carry the baton and when to draw it; its use against multiple unarmed opponents and the legal parameters of using lethal and less-lethal force. MC

Publisher: Police Bookshelf
Hardback: 158 pages

Home Workshop Explosives

Uncle Fester

Most explosives are very unstable substances, which of course is why they explode unexpectedly. Many types of external factors can lead to undesired and unplanned detonation, so attempting to work with any devices is always a very risky situation and should be approached with extreme care. This book purports to show how to make demolition-strength explosives. WARNING: One really should have extensive chemistry experience when trying to use this book to attempt any of these processes. This is an advanced book and I would question its techniques. Many of the acids used in the manufacture of these explosive compounds are highly dangerous and caustic and should be handled with extreme care. The reader who has never worked with separatory funnels, condensers, dangerous acids, formaldehyde compounds and temperature control and has little experience in laboratory safety procedures should stay away from this book. Sorry, use some common sense or you won’t have any senses left. One wonders how many times the author has really made these compounds and under what conditions. However, for the reader who wants to blow himself up, this is the book for you! MC

Publisher: Loompanics
Paperback: 126 pages

Home Workshop Prototype Firearms: How To Design, Build and Sell Your Own Small Arms

Bill Holmes

This book for craftsmen interested in the design and fabrication of firearms details the tools and equipment, types of material and lathes needed. The author shows how to start from scratch and design actions, barrels, muzzles, breaks, trigger assemblies, magazines, stocks and sights. He gives valuable information on tools and equipment along with design theory and goes on to describe how to fit, assemble, fire and adjust weapons. This book has detailed photographs, drawings, plans and tables and includes illustrations of interesting and beautiful-looking weapons designed by the author. This is as close to real gunsmithing as is possible to find between the covers of a book. MC

Publisher: Paladin
Paperback: 187 pages

How Big Brother Investigates You


Copy of a Treasury investigator’s handbook (Sources of Information) showing all the places to hunt for incriminating dirt on a perpetrator. Chapters include “Information From Persons,” “Records of Business and Financial Institutions” and “Sources of Information in the Federal Government.” Hundreds of sources listed. GR

Publisher: Eden
Paperback: 47 pages

How To Be Your Own Detective: A Step-by-Step, No-Nonsense Guide to Conducting Your Own Investigations

Kevin Sherlock

“Bust Bad Cops! Fight Crimes of Dishonesty! Pry Into Personal Affairs! Fight Sex Offenders! Spread the Dirt!” For the muckraker in us all: How to get dirty information on anybody. “You can use the public record to get the lowdown on a lover. Or find out which doctors, lawyers, contractors, salespeople, or other businesspeople to trust and which to avoid. If someone has done you wrong, you can use the public record to find out and expose his or her record of wrongdoing.” The “public record” contains criminal and legal information; coroner, medical and professional malpractice records; individual and corporate tax records; real estate, zoning, planning and land-use records, etc. Private investigators do it—why not you? Includes PC diskette. GR

Publisher: Flores
Paperback: 244 pages

How To Beat the IRS At Its Own Game: Strategies To Avoid—And Survive—An Audit

Amir D. Aczel

An associate professor of statistics looks at the taxman’s auditing system and finds it wanting. “After analyzing thousands of tax returns from around the country, [the author] has finally broken the secret statistical code the IRS uses.” From this research, he “can predict with a high degree of accuracy which of more than 100 million returns filed annually will be audited and which will be spared.” Find out how to prepare taxes in a way that will lessen the chances of an audit. And, if audited, how to deal with the intimidation process the IRS teaches its field agents. Aczel should know, his nightmare audit took two years! GR

Publisher: Four Walls Eight Windows
Paperback: 191 pages

How To Buy Land Cheap

Edward Preston

This small book is a bargain-basement buying guide bible for cheap land and houses which details how to search for cheap property in the United States and Canada. Includes up-to-date addresses of where to write and search, and samples of the types of letters that are effective when dealing with various bureaucracies. Excellent for beginners. It would be interesting to see more people form small cooperatives and start applying some of these strategies to acquiring property. Well written and simple to understand. MC

Publisher: Loompanics
Paperback: 146 pages