Isis Unveiled

H.P. Blavatsky

The iconoclastic magnum opus of Mme. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy and source of 19th-century occultism and spiritualism—“a plea for the recognition of the Hermetic philosophy, the anciently universal World-Religion, as the only possible key to the Absolute in science and theology.”
Volume 1, Science, includes “Ancient Traditions Supported by Modern Research,” “Psycho-Psychical Phenomena,” “Prejudice and Bigotry of Men of Science,” “Ancient Cryptic Science,” “Man’s Yearning for Immortality,” “Projecting the Force of the Will,” “Turning a River Into Blood, a Vegetable Phenomenon,” “The Pantheon of Nihilism,” “Philosophy of Levitation,” “Suspended Animation,” and much more.
Volume 2, Religion, includes “Magic and Sorcery Practiced by Christian Clergy,” “Roman Pontiffs Imitators of the Hindu Brahmâtma,” “Were the Ancient Egyptians of the Aryan Race?,” “Esoteric Doctrines of Buddhism Parodied in Christianity,” “The Apocalypse Kabalistic,” “Comparative Virgin-worship,” “Lying Catholic Saints,” “Bloody Records of Christianity,” “Strict Lives of Pagan Hierophants,” “Freemasonry No Longer Esoteric,” “Gnostic and Nazarene Systems Contrasted With Hindu Myths” and so much more.

Publisher: Quest
Paperback in slipcase: 1 pages

Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism

David Fideler

A paramount work about the synthesis of Jewish, Greek and Egyptian secret teachings and their appearance as Christianity. The book delves into such intellectual phenomena as the linking of Logos with Christ, the use of gematria (symbolic and numerical representation of Greek and Hebrew letters) with Christian writings (e.g., Gospel of Mark 6:30-38), the Mithraic and Hermetic basis of Christianity, the use of geometry in religion in antiquity and the relationship between zodiac changes (every two thousand years) and the appearance of a savior. Encompassing fifteen years of work, this volume has includes complete documentation, a survey of Hellenistic religions and cosmology and an examination of Greek philosophers and mystics. MET

Publisher: Quest
Paperback: 430 pages